Friday 13 June 2008

Problematic Petrol Prices...

Fuck Me, Nearly £1.20 for a litre of unleaded, and Christ knows how much for Diesel. It's absolutely disgusting, how does the government justify these prices when in the US it's at least half this price! It's getting beyond a joke now, credit crunch or no credit crunch. They say you don't really know you're in a trough until you reach the peak but let's face it everyone knows we're in one now. Bastard!

The thing is it's not just filling the car up that costs more now, as this affects everything! As we live on an island and all our farming, industry, production has slowly left these shores over the last century or so, we have to pretty much import everything, and of course that uses fuel of some sort.

So, consequently our food prices have gone up too! In fact, everytime I put my hand in my pocket, which I try to keep to a minimum, I think to myself, fuck me that's expensive.

Well we may as well get used to it, cos now the price is £1.20 a litre, in sure as hell aint's gonna be reduced anytime soon!



Des Da Moaner said...

Yeah - what does BP stand for?
Bastard Petrol
Bastard Prices
Bastard Profit
Bastard Pain

It's the poor bastards with petrol operated lawn mowers I feel sorry for, sad bastards should go electric.

Anonymous said...

Hey Des,
You missed out Bastard Pricks!