Tuesday 21 April 2009

Welsh Sheep Shagging Cunts

Another thing an all.
Fuckin Welsh people.. they get on my fuckin tits.

There can't be fuck all going on in this God forsaken fuckin shit hole cos every fuckin day do I have these droaning twats ringing me up to complain (company to remain anonymous!) about something they bought from us.

The conversation usually goes along the lines...(emphasis on the Welsh accent)

What it is right, I won't lie to you, I turned round and said I did, at the end of the day when all's said and done.
This is just their opening gambit, by the time the stupid welsh cunts have cut to the fuckin chase I have lost the fuckin will to live.
I'm sure there are some nice people living in Wales, they won't be fuckin Welsh though that is a fact!!

Fuckin hell I've just had a thought, all those fuckin white van drivers in Wales... fuck me!!!

White Van Man

What a load of fuckin wankers these lot are.

Is there some kind of fuckin social club these lot go to, so they can all talk about who has carved the most fuckin people up in any one day.
Big ugly fat, slack jawed, hairy arsed thick bastards.

They're the kind of male you associate with an "all day breakfast" sandwich for their breakfast whilst perusing page 3 of The Sun, with their gut and arse hanging out, chatting on their mobile phone to their bookie.

I suppose England is as good a place as any to home these ignorant fuckers.

White van wankers!

Saturday 18 April 2009

Post Office Cunts!

The thieving, robbing bastards at the Post Office have the audacity, after over 12 months of arguing, to claim that I am liable for the £750 that some cheeky fucker in Thailand fraudulently used on my Post Office Credit Card. I wouldn't have minded if I'd have known 12 months ago as I could have written it off and got on with my life!

Talking of Cunts, I hope you never have the displeasure of dealing with the Financial Ombudsman, who are not quite (but pretty damn close) to being as shit as the Post Office.

I'm not going to bore you with anymore details as I'm sick of giving the bastards anymore of my precious time.


p.s. check out http://grumpyoldtwat.blogspot.com/, it will make you laugh! He's from Worcestershire too, my home county! If only there was more of us honest speakers this country would be a better place!